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Logo Design
Business Card Design
Brand Guidelines
Website Design
Brand Identity


Challenge: The Cheeranjivini Foundation, a passionate NGO dedicated to waste management and environmental education, lacked a cohesive brand identity to effectively communicate their mission.

Logo Design

A vibrant logo featuring a tree sprouting from a recycling symbol. This design cleverly combines imagery of nature and recycling, conveying the foundation’s core values of environmental sustainability and responsible waste management.


The image displays a landfill scene with scattered trash, birds flying overhead, and a bulldozer working through the debris. The overlay text includes branding elements such as a logo and mentions the "Cheer
Two women wearing white t-shirts with branding; one facing forward with "cheeravanivini foundation" on her shirt, and the other turned backwards featuring "yes you" text on hers, against
A laptop on a turquoise background displaying a webpage about "branding solutions to the pollution," featuring an image of a van covered in plants.

Business Card Design

Professional business cards featuring the logo, contact information, and a tagline that emphasizes their environmental focus. For example, the tagline could be “Empowering communities through waste management” or “Building a greener future, one compost bin at a time.”

Two branding-oriented business cards for Cheeranjivi Foundation on a dual-tone background, one featuring contact details and the other a QR code with the message "Let's make environment better.

Brand Guidelines

A detailed brand guidebook outlining the following:

  • Color palettes: The guidebook should specify the primary, secondary, and accent colors that represent the Cheeranjivini Foundation. These colors should be consistent across all branding materials, including the logo, website, and marketing materials.
  • Fonts: The guidebook should define the primary and secondary fonts that will be used for headings, body text, and other elements. Choosing consistent fonts ensures a professional and cohesive brand image.
  • Design elements: The guidebook should provide examples of approved design elements, such as icons, patterns, and imagery, that can be used to visually represent the Cheeranjivini Foundation. Maintaining consistency in these elements reinforces brand recognition.
Image displaying four colored bins with recycling logos, each with corresponding color codes and CMYK values: blue, green, orange, and light green, titled "branding colours.
Two recycling bins with wheels and branding, one blue labeled "waste only" and one green labeled "dry only," isolated on a white background.

Website Design

A user-friendly website designed with the user experience in mind. The website features clear navigation, high-quality visuals that showcase the foundation's initiatives, and informative content that educates visitors about waste management and environmental sustainability. The website also includes a dedicated section for donations, making it easy for supporters to contribute to the Cheeranjivini Foundation's mission.


This new brand identity empowers the Cheeranjivini Foundation to:

  • Increase brand awareness and recognition.
  • Communicate their mission more effectively.
  • Connect with a wider audience passionate about environmental issues.
  • Solidify their position as a leader in waste management education.
