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A1 Garden Care

A local landscaping and gardening services provider, embarked on a digital transformation journey to enhance its online presence and reach a broader clientele. The client's objective was to establish a user-friendly website that not only showcased their diverse range of services but also communicated their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. The project began with a comprehensive analysis of industry competitors and an understanding of the target audience's preferences. The design phase focused on creating an aesthetically pleasing website with intuitive navigation, employing a nature-inspired color scheme and high-quality imagery to visually represent the company's expertise. The development incorporated responsive design for optimal viewing on various devices, and a contact form for easy customer inquiries. Thorough testing ensured a seamless user experience, and post-launch analytics indicated a 20% increase in website traffic within the first month. Client feedback highlighted the website's effectiveness in attracting new customers, showcasing A1 Garden Care's dedication to transforming outdoor spaces into havens of beauty and tranquility.


A1 Garden Care




September 2023


Logo Design, Website, Brand Guidelines

A promotional flyer for a lawn and gardening service is displayed next to a small plant on a white background. the flyer features images of gardeners at work and includes contact details and a qr code.
Promotional flyer for a1 garden care, featuring images of a worker performing various lawn and gardening services such as mowing, trimming, and mulching, along with contact information and a list of services offered.

Features based on events and occasions.
